High quality
Different layers of the text
User-friendly interface and more
Tarsian is a work in progress; folios and features will be added progressively.
The encoded text is available on github.
To find more about the development of the project
In the upper-right corner, you can choose to display image and text , text only or image only .
In the scroll-down menu, you can select the folio you are interested in.
In a modus with text, you can choose to display the diplomatic version of the text (“diplomatic”), the standardized version with vocalization ("interpretative") or the translation. When you choose one of the Arabic text, the other will appear when you run your cursor over the lines.
Please note:
Vaticanus Arabicus 13 is an Arabic manuscript of 179 folios containing parts of the Gospels and the fourteen letters of Paul. The manuscript is dated to the 9th century and the colophon on the last folio mentions the city of Ḥoms.
Images of the complete manuscript are available here.
Here a selective bibliography:
The digital edition Tarsian is a development of the project The Arabic Manuscripts of the Letters of Paul of Tarsus. Come back to a neglected field, a Swiss National Science Fondation project under the direction of Claire Clivaz (2013-2016). It was created in collaboration with Vital-IT, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. This collaboration is under the label Vital-DH projects@Vital-IT.
You can discover more about the project on the Arabic Manuscipts of the Letters of Paul on the research blog and in the SNF database.
Tarsian is developed by Sara Schulthess and Martial Sankar.
The folios are reproduced by permission of Biblioteca Vaticana Apostolica, with all rights reserved; no copy allowed.
The Arabic text and translation are in CC BY 4.0 (github).
Open source editorial tool developed by Vercelli Book Digitale project.